Saturday, December 24, 2011

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

I found some Christmas sprinkles in the dollar section at Target a month ago and told Adelyn we would make Christmas treats with them.  I finally had to hide them because she kept asking and asking to make things.  I busted them out today and made some pretzels with her and she loved it.

She did a great job putting on sprinkles.  Some of them ended up with a few too many..and there is potential for breaking a tooth or two on them..but they are cute.

Cheesy girl!  The light from this window was killing my pictures so I ended up moving and opening a cupboard to kill some of the light.


Getting her sprinkle on!

Look at all those pretzels!

Love this pretty lady!  I had a couple pictures with more of her face in but she looks like she is super mad..I'll take a pretty eye and half of her face over super mad ;) 


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