Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just some sentences..

Did you know that nail-biting is the #1 most common "nervous" habit for toddlers?  It surpasses thumb-sucking, hair twirling and nose picking.  It's not necessarily a nervous habit either.  It can be out of curiosity, boredom, relieve stress, pass the time or because it's a habit.  I don't know if I was relieved or disappointed to discover that.  It irritates me to no end that she bites them..but here's to *trying to* ignore it.  Brecken can now climb on the tv stand in 2 seconds flat.  Makes me nervous.  Every time he sees something that he knows he's not supposed to get into he gets the biggest smile on his face..and then races for it.  Joelle just woke up.  She slept all night.  Since 7:45pm.  Crazy.  It snowed last night.  Hopefully we have a white Christmas.  We are going to my parents later to celebrate.  Having breakfast for supper.  My favorite meal.  Out of the the next 9 days Eric will be working 1.  So excited.  We love having him home.  One of the days Eric and I are taking a day trip to the cheese factory and to do some shopping.  Joelle is close to walking.  I still feel like it will be another month before she is daring enough to actually do it.   She might surprise me though.  She is the first one to climb on the couch and the chair unassisted.  That girl is STRONG.  Kota left a yule log for Eric on the front entryway last night.  He stayed up super late playing video games and when he came upstairs thought to himself "something does not smell right."  I laughed.  Serves him right for staying up so late.  Luckily Brecken and Joelle slept the whole night.  Which is more common than not lately.  So we tried Brecken on Lactaid a month or so ago.  He had a terrible reaction to it; lots of angry red bumps on his face and terrible diarrhea.  I was pretty much convinced he had a milk allergy because of that.  Every time he would get Joelle's cup and just have a sip he would get a reaction too.  We've had him on Goat's milk and he does great.  I knew when we went in for their appointment she would hate that he was on it (not that I cared).  She said to give regular milk a try and see what happens.  She thought it sounded like an allergy to but he should have gotten hives and they definitely weren't hives.  I was convinced he was going to have this terrible reaction to it so I planned pretty precisely when I gave it to him so if I had to take him to the ER we would be covered.  I gave it to him a couple hours before nap (so he wasn't sleeping right after I gave it to him!) and when Eric was home.  He ended up being totally fine.   Crazy how he had such a horrible reaction to Lactaid but is fine on regular milk.  So, so weird.  The only thing we can think of is that we use the Lactase drops in regular milk to make our own Lactaid (way cheaper), so we think maybe he had a reaction to the drops..?  Who knows.  That boy needs his hair cut.  We were in Meijer yesterday and he had his head turned and there was like 2 inches of hair hanging over the top of his coat.  Joelle needs her hair cut too.  She's starting to get quite the mullet.  So excited to give Adelyn her dollhouse tomorrow.  She is going to flip.out.  Eric and I were discussing last night that despite our best attempts to divert her from princesses, she LOVES princesses.  We just don't like that everything has princesses on it and they make little girls think they have to look like that to be beautiful or look like that to be "popular."  Our kids are going to be "those kids."  You know, the ones that make other kids cry when they tell them Santa isn't real.  I have zero problems with him being around, I just don't like telling them that Santa brings things and making Christmas all about him.  Which reminds me.  I know that Adelyn is understanding what Christmas is really about.  I've been talking to her about Jesus' birthday and the other day my mom was watching them for a bit.  When I came home Adelyn had her cupcake tin upstairs with some blocks in it.  I said "Did you make me some cupcakes?!"  She said "Nooo!  They are cupcakes for Jesus!"  Melted my heart.  She was convinced he was going to come by and eat them.   Joelle is really awake this time..gotta go!

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