Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Since it hasn't snowed yet and we've been cooped up in the house with colds we ventured outside to play.  It takes me half an hour to get everybody all bundled up but it was worth the fresh air!  Brecken and Joelle were party poopers but, let's be honest, their noses where running and it wasn't warm out. 

I love this picture.  It makes me laugh.  (Some day I'll sit down and figure out Lightroom so my pictures aren't dark.)  Some day.

Pretty lady.

 B and J might not have had fun but Adelyn and I did.   She was making somepin for me ;)

I would be one happy person if winter was like this..maybe 10 degrees warmer but no snow?!  I'll take it.

Yes, Adelyn is in her pajamas.  Some days I don't feel like taking them off, some days she won't take them off and I don't have the energy to fight over pajamas.  I don't remember which kind of day this was..

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