Tuesday, February 25, 2014

bUmPdate::20 weeks

This pregnancy has not been my friend health-wise.  I ended my 19th week with losing my voice and a nasty sinus infection.  Still haven't found my voice and still haven't gotten over the sinus infection.  Next time ALL of your children are arguing try whispering over them.  See how that works.

Finally feeling like I have somewhat of a bump!!! 
How far along:: 20 weeks
Heartbeat:: low 140's
Clothes:: Both. I was pretty excited to try on my shorts for our cruise and about half still fit!
Weight Gain:: 7lbs
M ovement:: Typically right after I eat.  Or when I sit down on the couch.
Symptoms:: Tired. Cold.  Braxton hicks have started somewhat.  They were bad at 20 weeks with Adelyn and bad at 12 weeks with Brecken and Joelle.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.  Or my back.
Cravings:: Eggs.  Baked potatoes.  Bread.
Best moments this week:: Eric feeling the baby.
What I am looking forward to:: US tomorrow!
Names:: 2 boy names.  2 girl names.
Funny Moments::  Nothing I can remember from this week..;)

20 weeks with Adelyn            22 weeks with B and J         20 weeks with BF#4
20 weeks 00222weeks 002 213

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