Sunday, February 9, 2014

A’s 5th Birthday Party

My poor sweet girl.  Come February I am so sick and tired of parties that I *almost* don't do one for her.  Her only saving grace, at this point, is that she is old enough to be super excited for these things.  Everybody got their invitations about a week ago.  Whoops.  Thankfully everyone could make it!  It was one heck of a morning with these kiddos, one whom has a cold hence me not going to church, while Eric pranced off merrily to fulfill his commitments AT church.  Nobody was listening, everybody was uber annoying and, at one point, I asked everybody to chill out and stop bugging each other.  Adelyn responded with "I'm just sooo excited, Mommy!"  Cutie.  We actually debated canceling her party because of said sick child.  J just has a cold with clear snot and a mild cough but I don't like to be the sick-giver and I don't like sick people around my grandparents.  Eric said to move forth with it (so blame him if you get sick) because Adelyn would be too upset.  Which I don't think she would have because I had already warned her, but I digress.  This morning, after everything was all made, I also wanted to cancel.  J's cough turned more annoying during the night.  I just decided to put her down for a nap right before people got here and wake her up right before cake.  She realllllly wanted to see the cake so I couldn't let her miss that.  She actually went down without a fight and the party went well. 

My sweet girl and her pile o presents.

Fancy Nancy books from Oma and a card with stickers! from Papa and Nana. 117

She opened the bath mat on the left first.  Everyone was confused and laughing as to why she got a bath mat.  Then my mom explained that it was "water" to go with the boat.  Then we all got it...and thought it was an excellent idea ;)

The music/jewelry box that she has wanted for a REALLY long time.

Apparently Brecken wants a ballerina box too.

Adelyn requested a Little Mermaid cake this year.  Which is ironic because we do not like the Little Mermaid.  "It's too scary."  She loved it.

Close up of the Ariel cake.

Saturday night's mess.  Complete with practice writing straight on the table.  This is only about half of the mess because Eric had already washed a lot of my mixing bowls.  I decorate the cake.  Eric cleans up.

Happy Birthday precious girl.  Cheers to many changes over the coming year :)

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