Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snowmageddon Take 2::Winter Fun

This was our deck after our second (third, fourth, I've lost count) snowmageddon.  January 27.  So much snow.

We can no longer get to our back yard through the fence.  That's our trailer buried somewhere next to the snow piles.  The one year we didn't store it inside...or get a cover for it.  Eric is stating a cover wouldn't have mattered because they aren't made for the temperatures we have had.  I'm still stating he's in deep doo-doo if we have friends inside our trailer come spring.

Adelyn in front of one of our snow piles.

Crazy cutie

This is what the friendly neighborhood plow dumped at the end of our driveway.  So that was awesome.

The kids are always asking to help shovel so Eric picked them up some kid shovels.  They love helping their Daddy.

February 11:: We headed out yesterday to burn off some energy in the backyard.  First up::shoveling out our deck.  It's buried under there somewhere..

I came outside to this lovely picture.  Joelle got stuck in the toy box and Brecken was trying to shovel her out.  I laughed.  When I came back with the camera, Adelyn yelled at me "It's not funny! Don't take her picture!!"  Bahahahaha.

Our "snowbox" and playset.  You can see that the snow is covering half of the play house.  The kids just slid right in.

My garden is buried under there.  You can see the fence against the house.  It also runs all along the front.  Not that you can see it because its buried in snow.  It's 3 feet tall.

Our shoveled off deck.  It was a half-hearted attempt.  But it's better than what it was.  You can also see Adelyn inside the slider.  Sent in early because she had a horrid attitude and refused to change it.  Have fun inside.  By yourself.

Cuties playing in the snow.  They had so much fun.  For being a balmy 7 degrees it was actually quite nice.  It's amazing what a little sun and no wind will do for you.

Woke up this morning and snapped this shot when I got to the chiropractor.  I'm not going to lie.  I'm quite sick of the negative temperatures.  BUT, in the 6 weeks I've been going to the chiro, this is the FIRST morning the roads have been clear.  It always seems to snow the night before I go.  Or every.single.night.

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