Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday Funday

Our day started with some free entertainment from the trash man.  He got stuck at the end of our circle, got unstuck and then made it to the front of our mailbox.  Where he promptly got stuck for good.  Eric was watching out the window and thought it looked like a guy he works with son.  He walked out there, to survey the situation, when he was ready to leave and it was.  Turns out he couldn't leave because the trash guy got stuck at an angle.  I was busy making pancakes and they were just talking out there so I figured they were waiting for help.  I texted Eric and told him to come in and grab some pancakes, so he did.  Then Chef came to get him out and got stuck in the neighbor's driveway.  Adelyn said we should all go outside and push them out.  I said we weren't big enough to help push them out.  Then she suggested going into the woods to find a giant to push them out.  Then decided she didn't want too because of the prickers in the woods.  I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.  Eric finally left around 9:40.


 Play-doh making was on our to-do list for the day.  While I was busy boiling the water B asked if he could peel the carrots.  At first I said no because peeler's can be sharp.  Then he just picked it up and started peeling.  Thanksforlistening.  So I went over and showed him how, since he WAS peeling towards himself.  *This is my dull peeler.  Not that that really matters.  But I just figured my kids can make themselves bleed on pretty much anything, so what does it matter?*  He actually peeled 5/6 carrots and then was done (mostly because his play-doh was ready).  Then Adelyn decided to pick it up and try her hand at it.  And promptly peeled the whole bag.  THIS is why we had kids.  Kidding.  Kind of ;)

B-diddy and his snowman.  Adelyn said I made him look like a "gentleman" with his hat.  Again, don't ask me where it came from.

Two cuties and their play-doh.

We headed outside after naps because it was SUPER nice out.  I tried to snow-blow the end of the driveway.  No such luck.  It was too wet.  So I pushed it aside.  The kids thoroughly enjoy sliding off our hills.

The kids also begged to build a snowman.  We went for a little walk and they saw a few of the neighbors with snowmen.  So we came back and made one.  I rolled the bottom and Adelyn rolled most of the middle.  I had to roll it up to the snowman and my 19 week pregnant self struggled and heaved and hoed and got it up on top just for Adelyn to tell me I put it on wrong and I didn't have the flat side down.  She was right.  But I told her tough luck.  Then when I was shaping it, it cracked in half and fell off.  I almost cried.  So we pieced it back together.   Adelyn rolled the head and brought it to me.  Do you like the one random carrot on it's stomach?  Brecken and Joelle each wanted to put on in and we usually do make a front and back.  But that's where Brecken put it.  Adelyn started to get mad and B yelled at her "That's where I want it, so don't touch it!"  Duly noted.  Precisely what I would have said.  Maybe with less yelling.

Brecken having a fit because I asked him to come sit by the snowman.

 He decided to oblige.  In case you wondered, this snowman's name is Olaf.  Duh.

 Eric came home and decided to get the snowblower to work.  You like that he's dragging the broom along with him to jam into the auger when it gets stuck?  Yeah.

We were outside until 6:15 and had a blast.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, folks.  MARCH is next week.  That's what *I* keep telling myself.

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