Sunday, February 2, 2014

Adelyn’s Birthday Fun::

We started the birthday girl's day off bright and early.  We were eating her requested breakfast of oatmeal with apples, craisins and nuts by 7:15.  Folks, we normally eat around 8:30/9.  The reason being?  We had to be at church at 8:45.  Today was the kick off of two services and we were there for both.  It's also the first Sunday the kids have ever stayed so long in their classes.  Adelyn was the only one who had a problem with it and we haven't decided if it's because she was so excited for her birthday fun...or if she missed us.  We talked to her about it and she does want to try sitting in the service, then going down while we have Sunday School.  She may quickly change her tune ;)

After church we headed out for lunch with Papa, Nana and Auntie.  Adelyn looooooves her some 8th Street Grille so that's where we went.  I was entirely surprised that they offered GF buns and had there GF items marked on the menu.

Papa, Nana and Auntie went home because Nana was up entirely too early for work.  We headed off to go bowling!  Eric mentioned going about a month ago and we both have really wanted to take the kids.  We thought her birthday would be a fun surprise.  She LOVED it.  So did Brecken and Joelle.  We left and Brecken said "I miss bowling.  Let's go back."
Adelyn's got her game face on.

Little B using the dino(?) to help bowl.

Joelle wanted to start right out by (literally) throwing it down the lane.  We decided to work on her technique.  She did end up using the dino for most of the rest...

Brecken and Adelyn trying their hand at rolling the ball down the lane.  They ended up preferring that way.
074 075

 The end score.  Joelle ended up getting a spare on her last turn so she got an extra ball...bringing her in the lead;)

After bowling we headed home for birthday celebrations with just the five of us.  Little lady requested hamburgers with buns!!, asparagus and salad.  I can't even make that up.  I had to laugh at the buns request.  I never make hamburgers with buns.  I don't like that they sell 8 packs.  What am I going to do with 8 buns?!  It's a gigantic waste of calories.  And buns are hugely over-sized.  Just like the rest of America.  Every time we go to Meijer Adelyn asks for asparagus.  I haven't bought any because it isn't in season and it's $5.00 a pound.  She's already asking when we can get it from the farm ;)

Stop reading my blog and go make this right now.  I was watching Ina the other day and saw her make it.  It's my first successful GF dessert.  And insanely delicious.  Everyone loved it.

 Birthday girl opening her gifts from Daddy and Momma.  Books and a pair of Keen boots.  She has been asking (and asking) for a new pair of boots.  She's been wearing her pair of current Keen's for 2/3 years.  I won't share with you the struggle it is to get them on and off.  I'm pretty sure her toes were touching the end but she never complained about them.  Just annoying to put on at this point.  *I* believe in nice winter boots.  Seeing as we live in the tundra and all.  Eric does not.  But when I informed him Adelyn would get 2 years out of them and so would Joelle he saw the light.  Adelyn's "old" pair still look brand new.  She peeled back just the corner on the box of Keen's and said "Did you get me boots?!"  Ha.

Her "Frozen" paint book and the boots.  She LOVES her paint books and had a minor heart attack when she counted 4 pages left the other day.  I did quickly hop on Amazon and buy her some of that same kind, for her, from Eric's parents.  Eric and I saw this one at Barnes and Noble the other day and we had to get it :)

My three cuties still in their Sunday finest.

Showing off their Sunday finest moves.

My birthday girl and I.

Love her.

As we left bowling Adelyn declared it "The best day ever!"  She hung out with Eric and watched the Super Bowl while I but Brecken and Joelle to bed.  We went and cuddled upstairs and she was telling me thanks for a great day :)  We had a lot of fun.

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