Friday, February 7, 2014

“Can we do a craft?”

"Can we do a craft?"  Is something I am asked quite frequently.  We do quite a few different things.  We made snowman the other day, that I did not get a picture of.  We busted out Adelyn's easel and painted.  Sometimes they just want to use the jewels and glue them on things.  Sometimes it's making something with wiki sticks.  We aren't too picky.

Adelyn painting a pretty picture.  She is obsessed with rainbows.

Little B painting.  I forget what the dots are supposed to be.  But it's something.

Sweet J.  This girl puts her soul behind her painting.  That paper was covered.

Later on, Joelle asked if she could work on letter matching.  We have practiced this a couple times.  Not with much success.  But when something clicks with her, it clicks, and off she went.  We practiced shapes one day and the next day she put our shapes puzzle together and rattled off 6 of the 8 shapes.

Now this.  This is my oldest little lady's handiwork.  There's a story behind it.  We had been quite cooped up.  I knew the plow had come by.  And also knew I should probably shovel the end of the driveway before I left.  I did not shovel.  Instead I decided to take off in our mini-van and get stuck in our driveway for the first time this winter season.  While the neighbor man and I were digging out the van, Adelyn drew these pictures of me.  She handed them to me when I got back in the van and said they were of me being sad in the snow.  The top one I think I look quite angry in.  Which is probably the more accurate statement we are going for.  The middle one is the 4 of us being sad we are stuck.  And the last one is Mommy being sad she is stuck.  It took us 40 minutes and 2 neighbor men pushing and myself driving to get me unstuck.  It also does not help that they stopped plowing the middle of our cul-de-sac come December.  Since our driveway backs right into the middle there is very little room for error before I was stuck again.  Ridiculous I tell you.

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