Sunday, February 2, 2014

Adelyn::5 years

I can not believe I have a 5-year-old.  I no longer have a toddler or a preschooler.  I have a school-age child.  I can no longer avoid the debate of "to school" or "not to school."  I have to send her to school in the fall or fill out the appropriate forms or the truant officer is going to come a-knocking.   She is such a sweet girl and I'm hoping each year will continue to improve upon the last :)


-46lb 8oz, 85 percentile
-46.25in, 98th percentile.  She gets it from her momma.
-wears 4/5/6 clothes.  Depending on what it is she can wear it for a while.  She outgrows her pants the quickest.  She does still have quite a few 4T dresses.  We wear clothes for a long time at the Fitzgerald's.
-size 12 shoe
-sleeps 11-12 hours at night
-passed both her hearing and vision tests with 100% this year.  Last year she failed the hearing test.  The doc wasn't too concerned, saying that a lot of kids fail the first one.
-goes up to her room for an hour and a half "rest time."  She can color, read, do puzzles, play any toys she has in there.
-knows how to write all the uppercase letters on command
-knows how to write all the lowercase letters.  Working on doing it when I call it out.
-knows how to write 1-10 on command.  She will sit in front of my calendar and copy all the numbers so she can have her own "can-da-ler."
-knows all her shapes and colors
-working on reading.  She knows most of the letter sounds.  At this point it's just diligence on my part.
-LOVES to dress herself.  It was becoming too much of a fight so I switched her clothes and Eric's and she can pick out everything and put it on herself.  She is usually first dressed in the morning.  The rule is Momma gets to pick on Sunday's and special days and she picks the rest of the week.
-can be SO sassy.  Eric says she is the typical "oldest child."  Thankfully she also listens pretty well so when she's getting too sassy she gets sent to her room until she can change her attitude...and she actually goes.
-is very musically gifted.  The second she hears a tune to a song she can sing it or hum it.  I need to get the piano here and start lessons.
-is SO excited to be a big sister.  She can.not.wait.  "When is summer going to be here so the baby can come?"  She asked last night who's birthday was after mommy's and I got to say the baby's!  Eric said maybe not.  I told him if I made it to his birthday (the 23rd) I would cry.
-is obsessed with Frozen.  She keeps asking me when it's coming out on DVD.
-keeps asking when we can go bowling again;)
-LOVES to play with her friends
- her new favorite thing is to play "house" with Brecken and Joelle.  Sometimes she's the mom and sometimes Joelle is.  They NEVER fight over it.  Then they'll call out "Mom!!!" and I'll be like "What??"  "No, not you Mom.  My other mom."  Oh.  Ok.  Thanks.  I'll just be over here washing the dishes.
-Is the biggest helper ever.  She loves cooking, will frequently rinse all the dishes off and load the dishwasher, empties the dishwasher, helps fold all the laundry, makes her bed every morning, folds up her pajamas in the morning when she takes them off, sweeps.  Etc.
-thinks brushing her teeth is the greatest thing ever
-is thoroughly convinced all her teeth are going to fall out.  She has a couple friends who have lost some already and sometimes the thought terrifies her.  Other times she is excited.
-LOVES to paint.  I'm thinking about enrolling her in an art class this summer.
-she would watch TV/movies all day if I let her.
-LOVES to play outside in the snow.  I'm pretty sure she has never complained about being cold.  They made huge slides in the snow piles and they LOVE going down them.
-still has some food texture issues but will pretty much eat anything.  "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."  She can stash her food away like nobodies business.
-hasn't been to the doctor in a year (hopefully I am not speaking too soon...)
-remembers the craziest things.  She will talk about alllll of our vacations like they happened yesterday.  She is SUPER excited to go camping again.  And to Mackinac.
-is moderately anxious about the fact that we are leaving her for 8 days.  "That's a really long time!"  We'll have to keep talking about it and assure her that she will be fine.


Little Interview::
What's your name:: Adelyn
How old are you:: Five
What's your favorite color:: Purple and Pink and Red and Blue
Who is your best friend:: Sophia and Kaylee
What is your favorite animal:: Elephants
What do you want to do when you grow up:: Write
What is your favorite movie:: Frozen
What is your favorite book:: Cinderella
What makes you happy:: Momma
What makes you sad:: Spankings
What is your favorite food:: Hamburgers and Asparagus
What is your favorite song:: ABCDEFGHIJkLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me
What games do you like to play:: Princess Memory Game

Adelyn Funnies::

When yelling for help sometimes she will start by yelling for me...and finish by yelling for Eric.  "Mooooooom!!!  ...No,  Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!  You are Judy!!!"  Whoops.  Entirely my fault.  I will tell Eric he is Judy on Duty.

Might not be funny to some but it's kinda funny to us.  The one and only time she has ever swore on purpose it was SUPER windy outside.  All of a sudden our grill went flying across the deck and Adelyn looks out the window and says "Oh $h*t!!"  Eric and I looked at each other, started snickering and never said a word to her about it.  Sometimes she will repeat words she hears from other people and we inform her she is not to say those words under any circumstance.  And she never does.  Until things go flying across the deck.

I will occasionally say "Oh my gosh" and she started repeating it one day.  You never know these things sound bad until they start coming out of your kids mouths...  I told her not to say it, it makes God sad, so she doesn't.  Now, if I say it, she quickly corrects me.  And any other time she hears ANYONE else say it, she will gasp loudly and will tell them "that's not polite."  Even on the TV.  So we are working on the fact that other people have different rules than ours and some people say that.  Just because they say it doesn't mean we do.

I was having some mild anxiety about finding out if the baby was a boy or a girl.  I haven't wanted to find out but can definitely see the appeal, once you have older kids, to prepare them better for whats coming.  Adelyn has been so insistent upon having a girl that it's made me second guess myself.  I don't want to be in the hospital introducing her to her baby brother, she freaks out and I'm a post-delivery hormonal mess.  The other day she came up to me, rubbed my belly and said "I love your baby, Momma.  I don't care if it's a boy or a girl."  Made me smile and tear up a bit.  Today the kids were talking about it again.  Brecken was saying there was a boy baby in my tummy and Adelyn said "No, a girl."  Then she said "Oh, right.  I changed my mind.  It can be a boy OR a girl."  :)

She thinks my "HUGE" tummy is quite hilarious.  Some times I'll walk out of the bedroom, not in my pajamas, and she will tell me "Momma, your belly is getting HUGE!  Let me see it!"  Then I'll show her.  "Wow!!!  That's soooo big!"  You ain't seen nothing sister.

She went to my mom's one day and they went out to get some things.  My mom bought her a little Rapunzel diary with a key.  When they got home my dad was there and Adelyn ran in all excited.  "Papa!  Look what Nana got me!  A diarrhea!!"  Everyone had a really good laugh about that one.

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