Saturday, March 1, 2014

Our Littlest Miracle

We had our ultrasound Thursday night.  I was super excited to see our little baby again.  They look so tiny when you see them at 8/10 weeks that 20 weeks is just amazing.  And then once you get a little further, they just look smooshed.  The ultrasound took a really long time, 45 minutes.  The baby was laying in a really weird position.  It was face down and wouldn't move for anything.  The legs were kicking all over the place but the baby wouldn't move it's upper body.  She was trying to scan it's arms and get a good profile and the arms were over the face and, again, the whole face down thing.  The tech kept moving the wand back and forth over my belly trying to get better views with not much luck.  I went away from the the US a little concerned because she re-scanned areas many times.  The only thing that made me feel good was that all the measurements all lined up and baby is measuring a couple days ahead.  I told Eric I think Adelyn's 20 week scan was 15-20 minutes and Brecken and Joelle's was 45 minutes.  My doctor must have sensed my concerns because she called right away the next day and said everything looked great.

Our best profile shot of baby.  The big blob hanging right in front of it's face is the placenta.  I kinda thought the placenta might be in the front this time because it's been so hard for Eric to feel the baby (until lately).  Sometimes I'll feel the craziest moves on the inside and nothing on the outside.  I was right.  It's on the top of my uterus and the front.

Obligatory creepy baby shot.  Full face, eye sockets, nose and jaw bone.


S/he kept arching it's back and opening it's mouth.  We watched that for a couple minutes and that was kinda neat to see.

Heart rate/heart.  Chugging along at 149 for the US.

These are the only "good" shots we got of baby.  The baby WAS laying in a really weird position and any pictures she took where not the best.  All these shots came after the tech had me get up and move around.  I was really happy she told us to look away when she scanned the lower body/pelvis area.  I'm sure we would have been able to tell and I was so prepared NOT to know.  And I still feel good about that decision :)
So blessed.

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