Tuesday, February 11, 2014

bUmPdate::18 weeks

 Nothing exciting or traumatic to report this week.  My first "boring" week.  Except I need to find a new spot to take pictures.  I either have a shadow on my back or a shadow on my front.  I tried standing further away.  No such luck.
How far along:: 18 weeks
Heartbeat:: 140 today at the doc.  It's been upper 130's-mid 140's on mine.
Clothes:: Both.  Eric told me to stop being a hero and pull out my maternity jeans.
Weight Gain:: 5lbs.  I can not win with the doc's office.  There scale only has me up 3lbs.  Which would then be only 1lb from where I started given all my losses.  Whatever.  She felt my belly and said "Ooohhh you ARE growing!  Your uterus is right where it's supposed to be."  Why thank you.  MY scale says I'm getting larger by the day.
M ovement:: Quite a bit!  I've felt the baby on the outside quite a few times.
Symptoms:: Tired. 
What I miss: Nothing right now.
Cravings:: Eggs.  Baked potatoes.  Bread.
Best moments this week:: Feeling this little baby all.the.time.
What I am looking forward to:: US in 2 weeks!
Names:: 2 boy names.  2 girl names.
Funny Moments:: Adelyn asked me if the baby was going to come out with 2 teeth. "No.  Babies don't need teeth when they are born.  They get them later."  "Oh. She won't have two teeth?"  "Nope.  Babies don't eat food.  They only drink milk."  "From your belly?"  "Welllll something like that."  End of conversation.

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