Thursday, April 3, 2014

Warm Days…And Rainy Days

On Monday it was a very warm 60 degrees.  We had our Motor Movement class in the morning and decided to head out to FMG right after.  I had packed a lunch so we headed right out.  We ate lunch at the picnic table and went in to see the butterflies.  We were very excited it was warm so we could go outside and play in the tree house.

The girls checking out the chrysalis'.  They were in awe.

My three cuties.  There were all kinds of butterflies in the dishes.  Don't you love Brecken's pose?!

My pretty lady.  We were riding the "horse."

On the way home we stopped at Well's to pick up some apples and jam.  We were at FMG until so the kids were EXHAUSTED.  They napped on the way to Wells.  I asked them all what their favorite parts were.
A: Playing outside.
B: I don't know.
J: Riding the horsies.

After we got home, we sat down for a half hour to veg and watch an episode of Dinosaur Train.  Then we went out for a long walk.  We were almost to the end of the bike path when Eric texted that he was home (early!) and where were we.  So he jogged on over to meet us.  He's up ahead running with Adelyn and Brecken.  My little buddy is next to me.

So ended the warm days...  We busted out our play-doh and Adelyn was making GF food.  I have ruined her...

Today it's cold and rainy.  Pleasant.  The kids asked to watch Mary Poppins so I said sure.  "Make it dark like a moobie theater, Momma."  No problem.  Then we don't have to see the rain.

It's not supposed to drop below 40 for the next 10 days.  So there's THAT too look forward too.
AND my brother is flying home for a quick stay before he deploys!  So that will keep us busy for the next 5 or so days.

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