Monday, April 14, 2014

bUmPdate::26 weeks

and 6 days.  We had an insane week with my brother home the beginning of the week and a good friend's sudden death at the end.  I have been mentally and emotionally exhausted and my little blog has been sorely neglected.

I don't like this picture.  Over and out.

How far along:: 26 weeks 6 days.  Belly is still measuring a week ahead at 27 weeks (when I was 26)
Heartbeat:: 147 at my appt on Wednesday
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 17lbs.  No worries, it is creeping up there.
Movement:: All.the.time.  I'm noticing more and more trends in movement.  This little one is probably our biggest mover.
Symptoms:: Braxton hicks have been picking up with some intensity.  Mostly when I'm stressed.  If I lay down or drink some water or even go to the bathroom they usually let up.
What I miss: Sleeping without a belly;)
Cravings:: Sweets.  Chips.  Juice.  Things that are excellent for me.
Best moments this week:: Going to the doctor and finding out I'm still measuring a week ahead.  I'm wishing good early labor vibes.
I feel like I'm still off in la-la land about actually having a baby.  I think part of that is because we didn't find out.  So I think I'm still under 20 weeks.  This week my doctor said one more 4 week appt then you have to start coming every 2.  #yikes  I ended up scheduling all my appointments through mid-June because I don't like to get ones I don't want.
What I am looking forward to:: 28 weeks next week
Names:: Girl name is decided, boy name is un-decided.  We have three but Eric's favorite is not my favorite and vice versa.  The one that is left I don't like any nick-names for it.
Funny Moments::  Eric is thinking the baby is a girl.  He keeps calling the baby a she.  He did it three times the other night.
Joelle is convinced the baby is coming out of my belly button.
Brecken is determined it's a boy.  Joelle is determined it's a girl.  Adelyn will tell them "It could be a boy or girl!  Only God knows!"
Joelle has an insane habit of somehow whacking me in the stomach with a knee or an elbow or she'll use it to get up.  We are always telling her to be careful.  So now she likes to rub my belly and say "Is this ok?"

What I will miss when I am NOT pregnant...
...having a built in shelf to rest food on.  It is the perfect height.   Don't judge.

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