Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Awana::Skating Party

We had the Awana skating party last night.  Adelyn has been SOOOOOO excited for it.  It's all she has been talking about.  Eric and I took her together and dropped Brecken and Joelle off at a friend's house.  Eric was real thrilled I had him get skates on.  But let's be honest, not exactly the safest thing a pregnant lady should do.

She skated with Daddy most of the night until one of these became available.  Then she wanted to do it in the little roller rink by herself.  I'd say she did pretty good :)

Then she got Daddy to fly her around the rink.


I was surprised how much she loved it!  She wanted to stay until the end so I took off a little early to grab B and J and Daddy and A stayed at the rink.  Adelyn told Brecken and Joelle alllll about it and now they are super excited to go next year ;)

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