Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Josh is Home!

We found out, last minute, that Josh was deploying at the end of the month so my parents flew him home for a couple days.  He wasn't able to take any significant amount of time because of the nature of his job but a couple days is better than nothing!  Since my birthday was in there, we had some birthday celebrations too :)  Josh wanted hobo pies while he was home so we busted out the fixings.  I had to pass...and have leftovers.  Lucky me.  Cuties were loving the campfire and don't forget your safety glasses for the smoke.

The girls were all about snuggling by the fire.  B was off playing ball somewhere.  Adelyn didn't bring a coat.  So she was freezing.

I'm convinced they make the same faces.


See?!  Again.  The same faces.

There was a scary part in the movie.  I don't even remember what we were watching but it was something we have seen before..

We had both sides of grandparents over the last night Josh was here.  And had to have a fire with smores again.

Funny boy.

Awwwww.  B loves his Papa.

Cute little Jojo

Pretty lady loving her smore.

That's a lot of cuteness on one bench ;)

I picked up some GF cookies that I could put marshmallows on.  Eric was threatened with his life if he ate one.  So he had to pretend.

A good lookin bunch.

Josh is off to sail the seven seas.  And tour Japan, Australia and Hawaii.  No one said his job was boring.  I told him he needs to plan these things better.  No one would let me on a plane to go see him anymore...  We will see him again around Christmas!

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