Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Break::Critter Barn

We headed to the Critter Barn because they had some fun Spring Break events planned.  I think all of Holland and Zeeland had the same idea.  They had goat milking in the morning and something else in the afternoon...   We went with some friends from church and had a blast.

B and J deciding if they should make an escape attempt.

Adelyn loved the cats.  Someday, dear girl, someday.

A and B waiting patiently for their turn to hold the baby ducks.

Adelyn's turn.  They were loving spite of their expressions;)

Joelle and her duck.  Don't her eyes kill you?!  Every time I get a good shot of them on camera, I melt.

They talk about petting the chicks and the bunnies all.the.time.  "Can we go back there and pet the animals again?!"  All.the.time.  Our children are deprived, Eric.

Everybody getting a good look at the domestic ducks.

Joy snapped this with her phone, of the boys, and I just love it.  Such a sweet picture.

I didn't get any pictures of the actual goat milking because it was uber chaotic.  Everybody, that wanted too, had a chance to go up and "milk" the goat.  Adelyn and Joelle did.  Brecken didn't want to wait in line.  Ha.

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