Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tulip City Panache::Spring Break Edition

Tulip City had some fun spring break things for kids to do.  One was watercolor painting.  Joy and I signed up the kids (and ourselves!) to go.  Adelyn was SUPER excited that she got to go.  They gave you a piece of plain white paper to practice on and she drew this pretty sun with flowers.  Then she painted it.  She decided she didn't like it.  So she was walking around looking at the canvas paintings and saw one that was the circus zebra from Madagascar 3.  My kids actually loathe Madagascar 3 (there's a scary lady-there really is) but love 1 and 2.  And Brecken is obsessed with the zebra.  So she flipped her painting over and copied the zebra for him.  And she had her sun/flower drawing for Joelle.

Mrs. Joy hard at work.

Almost done with her circus zebra!

William and his Octonaut's painting!

Adelyn and our finished paintings/drawings.  She ended up wanting to draw a unicorn painting she saw laying around too.  That one was for her;)  I was super impressed with how she did, just following the painting!  She LOOOOOOOOVES anything to do with painting or coloring and is always asking how to draw things.  She will then copy it to a "t ."  I was just saying to Eric I was so bummed I couldn't get her into an art class this summer.  She had to be done with Kindergarten.  Not going into Kindergarten.  Oh well.  There is always next year.

Such fun.  Next up, acrylic painting on canvas with a group of church ladies!

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