Tuesday, March 25, 2014

bUmPdate::24 weeks

24 weeks!!!  The week of viability.  My second most favorite week.  My most favorite week is 28 weeks.  If baby were born at this time, it would most likely be without any serious complications.


How far along:: 24 weeks
Heartbeat:: Not sure.  I had to return my doppler :(
Clothes:: Both.
Weight Gain:: 13lbs.  No worries, it is creeping up there.
Movement:: All.the.time.  Adelyn felt the baby move the other day!  She was soooo excited...and then wouldn't stop touching my stomach the rest of the night :)
Symptoms:: Starting to feel like a whale.  I know it's too early but something about chasing these other three AND being pregnant.  My back has been feeling pretty good-which I will definitely thank the chiro for.
What I miss: Hmmm
Cravings:: Gluten and sweets.  There wasn't too much I could eat on the cruise in the form of sweets so I promptly made Banana Bread when we got back, ate way too much and felt sick.  So that was awesome.
Best moments this week:: Adelyn feeling the baby move:)
What I am looking forward to:: My glucose appt in 2 weeks.  NOT.
Names:: I think we have it narrowed down to 1 of each.  Girl name needs a middle name though...  Eric doesn't like my suggestion and no other family names go with it.  Stumped.
Funny Moments::  Nothing.  I haven't been home;)

This is week 23 on the cruise.  And proof I need to stop taking my bi-weekly pictures in the morning (when I just wake up) or at night (right before I go to bed).  I seriously look so much more alive.
My sister gave me this dress because it's a little too big for her.  It will fit me perfectly when I'm not pregnant.  But it is stretchy material.  So I tried it on before we left and proudly managed to clasp it myself.  I texted Rach a picture.  I will not tell you how much she weighed when she wore this.  1.Because the last time I weighed that amount was 2nd grade and 2.I assure you I am nowhere near that number now.

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