Friday, April 11, 2014

They Were Fighting

like cats and dogs.  Literally.  I thought they were in danger of killing each other.  I was on a series of very important phone calls and had booted all three of them outside to play.  The next thing I know Adelyn and Brecken are on the deck screaming at each other and literally clawing each other.  Adelyn was shoving Brecken and Brecken was busting out his karate moves.  They.were.not.stopping.  In between two of my calls, I had Adelyn come in and sent her to her room.  She was all bent out of shape that she was the only one punished.  I assured her I was just separating them and they would both be punished shortly.  I finished up my calls and went up to talk to Adelyn.  Turns out Brecken threw sand at her, she pulled his shirt and then he scratched her.  Escalated from there.  So we went and talked to Brecken and he confirmed what she said.  So I told them we don't do that to each other and they had to sit in time-out, together, for 5 minutes, holding hands.  At first, Adelyn didn't want to hold his hand.  I told her Brecken would serve his time-out and she would have to go to her room until Daddy got home if she didn't want to cooperate.  (Like 30 minutes later)  She decided holding hands for 5 minutes sounded better.  And so they did.  Surprisingly I did not have to re-set my buzzer once.  No fighting or talking is allowed while in time-out...or your buzzer gets re-set.  These two are so similar in personality.  They get along so well 9 times out of 10 but when they fight, they FIGHT.

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