Thursday, February 2, 2012

I have a 3 year old.

This is the post in which I admit I have a 3-year-old.  It's so crazy for me, I feel so old.

How does one go from this
to this in 3 short years?!?!

She is at such a fun age, though.  She talks sooo much.  I love the hilarious things that come out of her mouth.  Then the things that I say to her/Eric/Brecken and Joelle come out of her mouth and it makes me laugh/cringe.  Sometimes I will tell her she's a "one trick pony."  The other day I was helping her in the bathroom and she said to me "Momma, you a one tick pony."  I laughed out loud.  Now she says it just to get us to laugh :)
Other funny/cute sayings::
*She tooted at supper time and said "That was me.  Whoopsie daisies.  Did you hear that?!"
*Adelyn told me she had "to go poopies."  Eric was currently using the restroom and (without prompting from me) ran in there and said "Daddy!  Get off the can!  I have to go poopies!  Get off the can right now!"
*Adelyn loves the movie Madagascar and there is a old lady that beats up the lion and says "bad kitty" a lot.  Brecken and Joelle got into some paper plates she had been playing with and she starts yelling "No, no!  Bad kit-ty!"
*My mom took her to the bathroom at 8th St Grill and there was someone in the next stall tooting up a storm.  Adelyn says to my mom "Was that you?" My mom says "No." Adelyn bends over and looks through to the next stall and says "Oh. It was that man."  Ahhhh!  That poor person in the next stall..
*She randomly told me one day at lunch "Mommy you are my best friend."  She's been telling me multiple times daily now.  LOVE.
*She was running and fell yesterday.  She quickly got up and said "I broke my smolder!"  If you have seen Tangled you will understand :)
*It's never a good sign when she wakes up from her nap and says "Help!  There's poop on mine arm and mine leg!  Get my diaper off!  Get some paper!"
*"Quick Mommy!  My nose is running!  Get a blow-nex!
*I overheard her telling Brecken and Joelle "You guys gonna send me to the moo-mey (looney) bin."  Wonder where she got that one from...

1 years old

Other fun facts::
*she weighs 38lbs, 90th percentile
*she is 40.5inches tall, 97th percentile
*wears 4T/5 clothes
*size 8/9 shoe
*she is meeting or surpassing all of her milestones..except that she doesn't have her second set of molars.  Lucky me.
*the doctor said her speech is excellent.  She is very clear and uses lots of sentences.
*she still sleeps 12-13 hours straight
*usually takes an hour to an hour and a half nap
*we took her paci away the end of July and she has only woken up 2 nights since then
*she has been potty trained since August 4.  Hardest weekend of my life.  It's so nice though.
*knows her ABC's
*can count to 10
*knows most of her colors
*we are working on writing and recognizing letters
*loves to sing songs, dance and listen to music
*favorite cartoons are Word World and Super Why
*has lots of movies she likes. Her top requests now are Mr. Poppers Penguins (penguin movie), Charlotte's Web (pig movie), Madagascar and Tangled.
*has a mild case of OCD.  Everything (particularly in her bedroom) has to be in the Or else.
*has a serious sharing problem.  Some days I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Other days it is pitch black.  She thinks all of B and J's toys are her toys and will tell them that.
*I have her enrolled in a swimming class (no parents!) starting in a couple weeks, a dance class and a gymnastics class this summer.  We were originally going to do only one summer class, gymnastics, but she was super excited about the dance class.  They are only 2 weeks long so it should be fun.
*LOVES her friends.  She asks every morning if her friends are coming over/if we are going over there.  
*She loves to hug and kiss Joelle and wrestle with Brecken.  
*She LOVES to eat.  She is one of the least picky kids I know.  She prefers raw vegetables to cooked.  Weird, I know.  Always asks to try new things.  Eats beans like they are candy..which she also could eat an endless supply of.
*has become very interested in matching things/colors and if someone is a man/woman/boy/girl
*I still have her on Lactaid.  I tried last year, when she turned two, to take her off of it.  Bad news bears.  It makes me nervous to try again.
*Her favorite toys are her baby dolls, cars, play doh and coloring
*She excels at self-entertaining

2 years old

Little Interview::I asked the questions she gave the answers..if it needed explaining it's in parenthesis::
What's your name:: Adelyn Fitz Gerald
How old are you:: 3, Adelyn's be
What's your favorite color:: Green
Who is your best friend:: You my best friend.
What is your favorite animal:: Dinosaur
What do you want to do when you grow up::  Decorator
What is your favorite movie:: Tangled
What is your favorite book:: Ka Chow Book (Lightning McQueen book)
What makes you happy:: Downstairs
What makes you sad:: Momma (She's been asking all afternoon to go downstairs.  I have said she could go by herself and she doesn't want to go by herself, so I think that's the reason for these answers ;) )
What is your favorite food:: Toast, hot like you.
What is your favorite song:: Jesus Loves Me
What games do you like to play::  Game on top of fridge. (Cranium Seek and Find for kids) Baby Bears (a bear set that she likes to play with)

3 years old

Momma and her pretty little lady

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