Saturday, February 18, 2012

Swimming Lessons

I've wanted to enroll Adelyn in a swimming class for a while but there isn't much for her age.  A friend of ours found one at MVP and I signed her up.  There are only 5 kids in the class so I felt like she would get a decent amount of attention.  She was really excited to be doing the class with Chloe and excited to go swimming.

Adelyn and Chloe

When the instructor strapped Adelyn's flotation device on she immediately walked off the steps into the pool.  Little did she realize it wasn't much of a flotation device.  She flapped around a little bit and the instructor fished her out but she was pretty upset.  Mean old momma just walked away.  A good dose of fear will do her good..she is way to fearLESS when it comes to the water.   Hence the not happy expressions on her face for the next pictures ;)

Poor baby..5 classes to go!

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