Monday, January 30, 2012

Pudding Paint

I did this, with Adelyn, shortly after Brecken and Joelle were born.  She was looking at her scrapbook the other day and has been requesting to "paint" since then.  I added pudding to my grocery list and we whipped it together today.  I was being extra generous and thought Brecken and Joelle would have fun too.  I sat everyone at the table and let them have at it.

Mister B's first taste.

Jojo's first taste.  Mind you, she doesn't like sweets.  She LOVED the pudding.



 I have to say, Brecken made a HUGE mess.

Joelle made a pretty good mess, herself.  She just contained it to her body ;)

Adelyn got a little crazy at the end ;)

Even Lakota got in on the clean-up :)

They had so much fun and I just plopped them in the bathtub while I cleaned everything up.  I had to drain the tub and refill it because the water was so nasty but, hey, it was well worth an hour of entertainment!

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