Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jojo's walking!

Eric and I took Adelyn out for her birthday while my parents watched Brecken and Joelle.  When we got back my dad enthusiastically informed me that I had missed it.  Missed what was my response.  Apparently Joelle started walking for him.  He said he noticed her taking a couple steps by herself and so he put her in the middle of the room and she walked across to him!  Sure enough.  She does not do things halfway.  I think she waits until she is completely confident in what she needs to do and then does it.  Who starts walking by walking across a room?!  She hasn't been going DOWN the stairs but will go up them.  The other day I left her at the top while I stood halfway waiting for B and she just started going down the stairs like it was no big deal..and went super fast.  Crazy girl.

She looks when she walks.  She seriously looks like Frankenstein (not actually LOOKS like but looks like his walking, just to clarify).  She's very stiff legged and lurches everywhere.  It makes us laugh every time.

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