Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Adelyn and I made chocolate covered marshmallow hearts while Brecken and Joelle destroyed the house played.  She loved putting the sprinkles on and couldn't wait to try them.
You can't really tell they are hearts after Adelyn put 4 gallons of sprinkles on them but they are ;)

After lunch I wanted to get some Valentine's pictures.  Ha.  Go with the flow is totally our motto right now.  I got a good one of each of them. 

The we tried for a group picture.  I got a super cute picture of the girls..and Brecken looks stoned..and the rest are sub-par.
The original..
 and the cropped..

aandd the rest look like this ;)

Adelyn and I made a chocolate ganache covered cookie for Eric and I this afternoon.  It was supposed to be cooked in a heart shaped pan but I don't have one and didn't want to buy one so she said you could also put it on any other pan.  I shaped it into a heart on a sheet pan and baked it.  It completely spread out and flattened.  Duh.  So I scooped it all up and squashed it into an 8x8 square pan.  OhyesIdid.  I thought about baking another one but didn't want to waste the time or ingredients.  And its covered in ganache so no one would know. ;)

 The finished product.  I asked Adelyn to sort the M&M's by color and was thoroughly surprised when she did exactly as I asked.  If a wrong color slipped into the wrong bowl she had to quickly correct it.

Our Valentine's tradition is to get dinner and go to the beach and that is exactly what we did.  Eric surprised me with a card and a note inside to book a massage.  I accept.  He said he was going to do it for me but wasn't sure of my favorite place ;)
My Valentine and I.  Ready to devour the beautifully smashed cookie.

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