Thursday, February 2, 2012

Adelyn's Birthday Day

My mom and sister took us all out for lunch and then we had a nice walk downtown Holland.  Adelyn loved going out for lunch with Nana and Auntie Rach :)  My mom got her this little purse that she carries around everywhere and Auntie got her another Columbia coat, like the one she is wearing.  She seriously cries if I tell her she has to wear a warmer coat.

For Adelyn's birthday we wanted to go sledding.  It's kind of hard to go sledding without snow.  We decided to take her to a movie and out for dinner.  We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks.  It was actually pretty good.  She didn't get antsy until there were about 15 minutes left.  All of a sudden she stood up and said "I's all done.  Let's go home."  Ha.  I convinced her to wait ;)  Right when we walked out of the theater she asked to ride the carousel.  We have never been on this one before and figured we had to for her birthday ;)

We went to Red Robin (and got a headache) for dinner.  None of us were really hungry because we had popcorn in the theater but we had them sing to Adelyn and they brought her some ice cream.  That probably made her day.

Feeding Daddy ice cream.

Silly cute birthday girl.

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