Monday, February 13, 2012

Funny/Random Pictures

I've come across quite a few random funny pictures that I wanted to throw together in one post.  A lot are pictures from my cell phone so pardon the quality.

For about 2 weeks now Brecken has been falling asleep during lunch.  Doesn't matter if I do it earlier or at the normal time.  He will fall asleep with food in his hand, in his mouth and or all over his tray.  I usually try and catch him before he's completely zonked but I was checking something on the computer and had forgotten all about him.  If he does fall asleep he'll sleep right through his diaper change weird. 

I was taking a shower and could hear Joelle crying-not a freak out cry but crying off and on.  She never came in the bathroom and did it the whole time I was in the shower.  I came out to find her standing on the Weeble house.  When this girl steps up on something she can not get down.  We have a stool in the bathroom that she climbs on all the time and she will just sit there and cry/whine until someone gets her down.  Poor girl.

 I just had to have a picture of this boys bottom teeth.  They are ridiculous.  When the one on the right came through I thought it looked ridiculous.  Then the one on the left came through.  It's practically under his tongue.  He's going to need braces BEFORE he gets his permanent teeth.

Adelyn's first movie in the theater; Rio.  When her favorite part came on she got up and started cute :)

Kota was sick of being trampled and retreated to underneath the slide..

 What happens in our house when people have the barfs..we retreat to the kitchen and I drag the TV over so we can see.  I also haul the loveseat in there so we can sit on something comfy.  I refuse to scrub vomit out of the carpet.

Adelyn and I were watching a movie in the basement while Brecken and Joelle played..I turned around and caught them doing this.  Little monkeys..

Bahahahaha this picture is blackmail.  When B had his bloody buns I stuck him in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt.  His shirt said 18months but it fit more like a 2T and was rather large.  He had pulled his head out and was running around with it wrapped around his neck.

We had left the bottles, unattended, on the table and Joelle decided to help herself ;)

My sleepy babies and I.  When they are both super crabby and it's not nap-time I scoop them up, rock them and we watch cooking.  Sometimes they just zone out and other times they fall asleep.  I love holding onto a sleeping baby..or two ;)

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