Friday, January 13, 2012

Can we please go outside?!?!

This is what I hear over and over..and over again.  It takes me forever to get everyone's stuff on, it's cold, Joelle can't walk, I'm afraid Brecken is going to fall down all the time, it's cold, Brecken doesn't have snow-pants, Adelyn's snow-pants are 18month snow-pants, it's cold etc. etc. etc.  My response is usually no and I feel terrible for it.  Today I finally told her SHE could go outside.  She was elated.

I think she was pretty excited...


I told her no because she had been outside for, literally, 10 minutes.  She cried.  Then went and played again.

Seriously makes me laugh.
Adelyn had fun..and we had fun watching her :) :)

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