Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Grand Rapids Childrens Museum

We had play group at the Children's Museum today.  It was a lot of fun!  We ended up buying a membership because it would have been $30 for me to go with the kids or $60 for a year membership.  Totally worth it.  I didn't think Brecken and Joelle would be able to do a whole lot but they actually were able to.  I looked at my pictures and I got tons of horrible ones-the lighting in there was awful/great.  Awful when shooting in auto mode because they had a million windows.  Great for shooting in manual because there was lots of natural light.  I tend to shoot in auto when I'm by myself with all 3 so I don't lose track of someone while I'm trying to figure out settings ;)  aanndd nobody would look at me because who wants to look at momma when there is a million and one things to do?!

Miss Adelyn with her groceries

Adelyn on the left, random girl in the middle, Kaylee on the right going shopping!

Brecken and Joelle checking out the balls

Little man doing some cooking...his poor nose.  We were playing outside yesterday and he fell on the driveway.

My littlest lady checking out an apple

B loved exploring-no fear!

Talking on the phone-through the ear piece.  

Pretty girls in the car!

Brecken and Joelle crawling through the barn

Joelle thinking if she wanted to go down or not..not ;)

Adelyn found the bubbles right when we went upstairs

So cool-every time she bent over her shirt would pop the bubble!

So Momma stepped in to help ;)

Mrs. Rachael and Kaylee making bubbles!

We had so much fun and will definitely be going back!  Here's to hoping we don't catch the plague..

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