Sunday, January 29, 2012

Adelyn's 3rd Birthday Party::Part One of Three

My little lady is going to be 3.  Don't even want to talk about it.  We had her birthday party with our family today.  We did dessert and presents.  I have asked (and asked!) what she wanted for dessert because I want to make a cool cake and her response every time, except for once, was ice-cream.  So we had an ice-cream bar.  We, of course, picked the snowiest day of the year so we had a couple people bail because of that and then 3 families were it ended up being my parents, my sister, Eric's parents and one of his brothers.  We still had fun and Adelyn loved the attention.

Opening presents!

A new sled! AND snow-pants that fit!!

Stuff for the dollhouse.

Ice-cream bar.  All homemade.  Yum.  If you are coming Sunday you will be getting the same thing ;)

 Birthday Girl!

So cute that she actually gets (and succeeds at) blowing out candles


Birthday party #1=Success!  Next up::Her birthday day and her Super Bowl/Birthday party!

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