Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Top that.

Today started great.  I got up, went for a quick run, showered, did my hair, did the dishes and made supper all before the kids woke up.  Brecken woke up at 8:30 and when I went in there I was greeted by a very overwhelming smell.  Vomit.  So, SO gross.  This would be after he threw up all over me last night.  I grab him, open Adelyn's door for her and plunk him in the tub.  I wash him up, get everyone breakfast, sanitize like crazy, realize Brecken still smells like vomit so I give him another bath.  While bathing him I hear Adelyn say (what I thought was) "I hafta go potty!"  In hindsight it was "I's going potty."  At least it was all over the kitchen floor instead of the carpet-I quarantined us in the kitchen because I refuse to wipe vomit out of the carpet.  So I put Adelyn in the bathtub and clean up her pee.  Get Brecken and Joelle some lunch and put them down.  Adelyn ate and I put her down.  She decided napping was optional.  Probably had something to do with the fact that all she did this morning was watch Madagascar 1 and 2 and 2 episodes of Word World.  So she is alternately crying and singing "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas!"  After 45 minutes I get her.  I have to meet someone at 3:15 so they can buy some shoes from me.  They are late.  They arrive at 3:30.  We drive around for a little bit since we are in the car.  Just getting back home and I notice Adelyn is sleeping, so I turn around and we go for a(nother) little drive.  Pull back in the driveway and she wakes up and immediately starts crying.  I get Brecken and Joelle out and come back for Adelyn.  Realize she has peed a river in her car seat.  Side note: totally my fault for not making her go to the bathroom before we leave AND letting her sleep in the van.  Get her out and into the bath tub again.  Get the car seat out.  The only way to get the car seat out of the way back of the van is to tip it..so where do you think the river of pee goes?!  That's right.  All over the interior of the van.  So now I have to clean that up with a bathing toddler and two babies scrambling at my feet.  I hear loud splashes come from the bathroom and find half the water on the floor.  Hey, at least the floor is clean now right?!  I left for book club, that starts at 7, at 6 to go to Outpost for some YakTraxs for running.  Get there and they are "closed for inventory."  Thank you.  I appreciate it.  If you were counting that's 2 bathes for Adelyn and 2 bathes for Brecken.  Also 2 vomits for Brecken and 2 accidents for Adelyn (something that usually happens ONCE every few weeks)Today, folks, was not my day.

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