Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter wonderland

After Adelyn's birthday party we randomly decided to haul everyone outside and play.  There was lots of snow and it was relatively "warm" out.  And Eric was home to help.  Surprisingly, Joelle didn't mind being out there.  I thought she would have a fit because she couldn't move but she just sat there and played or sucked the snow off her glove.  Brecken was able to walk around without falling and we just put him in a couple pairs of pants.

Going for a ride!

Poor little B.  He seems to have gotten the short end of the stick..

Pretty Jojo..Operation No Paci During the Day commences tomorrow.  Watch out, Joelle!

B causing trouble

Adelyn and Brecken "helping" Daddy shovel.

Momma and her babies

Daddy and his babies

We all had a lot of fun..and it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it was going to be!

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