Monday, January 9, 2012


Today because I was bored out of my gourd.  Today because I was going nuts stuck in the house.  Today because there is not a lot I can do with B and J being at an in-between age.  Today because it is only the beginning of the week.  Today I decided to do something I haven't done before.  Today I hauled one of our little pools in the house.  I took the biggest pot I had, filled it up and 3 of those made a nice amount of water in the pool.  Adelyn was SOO excited when I brought the pool inside.  She was stoked.  While they were playing in it she told me she was having fun.  That's when I know I scored.  I was a bit worried about splashing and spillage so I told her if she made big splashes we wouldn't do it again.  She didn't make big splashes ;)  Definitely something we will be doing again.

Look at all those teeth.  Yikes.  Adelyn only had 2 when she was his age.  B?  He has 7.  SEVEN!

Pretty little lady.

Such a cheesy girl!  She was so excited :)

My little loves.

"Little splashes."

B-man escaped.  I had to get a picture of his little buns.  See that bruise on his leg?  That's from his shots.  From over 3 weeks ago. 


  1. You are SUCH a fun mom! Hope I can be a stay at home mommma one day too. You have some pretty lucky kiddos :)
