Thursday, December 2, 2010

22 Months

Since I haven't talked ONLY about Adelyn in forever, I'm pretty sure I need to do that.
*Adelyn you are officially 22 months old. 
*You weigh about 28lbs and are 35-36in long...and still have a large head ;)
*You wear size 24month, 2T and some 3T clothes.
*You wear a size 5 diaper..although we are moving up to a size 6 shortly, at night, because we have had way to many leaks lately.
*You have had your very first haircut and I cut barely an inch off the back.  You were rocking the mullet pretty hard core so I laid down the law and said it had to go.  Since your curls aren't quite so curly in the winter it was looking pretty bad.
*You take 1 nap from about 1-3 and you sleep from 8ish to 8ish.
*You are currently on your 3rd cold, for this season.  And refuse to get rid of it.
*You talk A LOT.  I couldn't even count how many words you say and you understand pretty much everything we say.  Sometimes you string together two words but it's still mostly one.  You are getting much better about using your words instead of having a temper tantrum and most of the time if we remind you, you use them instead of having a temper tantrum.
*You do this adorable thing where you turn your head to the side and say "peas peas" if you want something.  Sometimes you cut your eyes over at us to instead of looking directly at us and that just totally adds to the cuteness.
*You use "peas" and "tanks" a lot!!  I love that you are so polite and you will even tell random people that if they have something you want.. for example: stickers at the doctors office/target/wherever we happen to be.
*We are working on your patience.  We usually just have to tell you, and keep gently reminding you, to be patient when it comes to getting what your wanting.  Who are we kidding though, everybody struggles with patience!!
*You LOVE the movies Cars, Choo Choo (The Polar Express), and the Babies movie (which is a documentary I picked up at Redbox one day..and for a while it was the only thing you would watch..thankfully we can now watch any of those 3 and it's ok).  Anything else though and you don't like it.  It's been rather nice that I can sit down for an hour and a half and we are both entertained.
*You officially made the transition to the way back of the van and it slightly saddens me.  You don't seem to mind and you love to climb up into your seat by yourself (I put a stool in front of your seat so you could easily get to it).  I think you actually cry/whine less being way back there because now I really can't get anything for you.
*You LOVE your Papa and Nana.  You ask for them practically every day, multiple times a day.  It usually goes something along the lines of Daddy? He's at work.  Papa? He's at work  Nana? She's at work.  2-3 times, sometimes more, per day.
*I worry about you adjusting to being a big sister but we talk about it with you all the time so hopefully we only have minor jealousy issues.  We have some plans in place so you hopefully feel extra special.
*You still LOVE to eat.
*You still only bite/hit/kick me.  It makes me sad but at least it isn't anybody else and according to Parenting it means that you are most comfortable with me...hmm...
*You still have a love affair with your paci.  You typically only get it at night and for naps but I think you might have a heart attack if we took it away.
*You currently have approximately 6 teeth on top and 8 on bottom.  You got 5 of those teeth, 2 molars and 3 eye teeth, within the last 3 weeks...another good reason you may be hanging onto your cold.  I say approximately because you rarely ever let me feel the top teeth and when I stuck my finger in there the other day I discovered the eye tooth and the molar on the one side and still have yet to figure out if you have any on the other side.
*When we went to the allergist the other day I was strongly encouraged to use your Flonase/Nasonex daily because you are a mouth breather and if you continue that you could be a mouth breather for the rest of your life.  So we now added that to your Qvar regiment.  You are going to be my drug baby.  It could be MUCH worse though so we'll be thankful that we have minor issues with you.

Mommy loves you baby Adelyn and I know that you are going to be the best big sister I could ask for.  I am so excited to watch you grow and I LOVE the stage you are in right now.  I think I say that a lot but this stage is really fun because you express yourself so much and you are starting to talk so much now!!

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