Monday, December 20, 2010

Home. Sweet. Home.

We arrived home today at 11 with our new family of 5.  I HATE being in the hospital.  I hate everything about it.  Sitting in that bed.  The food.  People poking you at all hours of the night.  The smell.  The gown.  Just being there.  Right after delivery I asked when I could go home.  They told me I had to leave in 24 hours and it would depend on how the babies do as to when they would get to leave.  I wasn't leaving without my babies so I nursed them lots :) When we left the hospital Brecken weighed 6lbs and Joelle weighed 6lbs 7ozs.  We didn't have tons of visitors which is kind of how we planned it.  Our parents came Saturday night and then we had people trickle in all through Sunday.  When we had Adelyn we had TONS of visitors and we both hated it.  We had no sleep and tons of people to entertain.  We made sure this time that there weren't many overlaps and we had some breaks in-between.  We have to go to the doctor on Wednesday to make sure the babies are doing well before everybody leaves for Christmas break.

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