Thursday, December 16, 2010

38 Weeks

T-Minus 48 hours'ish until these babies get their eviction notice and have to vacate the premises!
Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 38 weeks, belly measures 42 weeks.
Weight Gain: 35 pounds..let's be serious I am eating way to many Christmas cookies :)
Babies weight: According to BabyCenter 6.8lbs
Movement: They move.  All.The.Time.
Symptoms: Tired.  Uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable.  I have been getting more and more tired and it's really hard to bend over.  If I lay on my back, even a reclined position, I get extremely short of breath.  Like nauseous and about to pass out short of breath.  Something about to much pressure on my aorta.  And my diaphragm.  And my rib cage.  And my back.  You get the picture.
What I miss: My body.
Cravings: 84 East, Christmas cookies, food.
Best moments this week: Getting a good report from the doctor.  They are both still head down and look great.  Induction is scheduled for Saturday at 8:00am.  I asked about just breaking my water since I'm dilated to a 4 and he said we can do that if you want but then if you don't start contracting you just signed yourself up for a c-section.  He said pitocin would be the best way to go because then if my body decides it's not ready they can just turn the pitocin off and I can go home.  Bah.  I really didn't want pitocin but I don't want a c-section even more.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting these babies!!!
Names: Yes!!  Baby boy needs a middle names but Eric is "pretty sure" what it will be..

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