Sunday, December 19, 2010

A post in which I brag about myself a little.

December 18, 2010.
A day I will never forget.  A day that I became a mom to not 1 child but 3.  My day started at 6:30.  I packed up last minute things.  Ate breakfast.  Prepared to leave Adelyn for the first time EVER.  That part was very hard for me.  My mom and sister stayed at our house with her, so that was nice, but I have never left her over night anywhere or even for a whole day...and now I was supposed to leave her for a couple days.  So it goes when you have to give birth right?!  We ended up making it to the hospital a little before 8:30.  When we walked into our room it was a little unnerving seeing the 2 bassinets waiting for us.  Reality hit then, we were really going to leave with two more babies :)  She checked me before starting my IV and I was still a 4.  Sigh.  After 3 attempts at my IV she finally succeeded.  Not her fault, just my stupid rolling, small veins.  Dr. Taylor came in about an hour after that and said that my contractions looked good.  I said well it's no different than at home.  At this point I wasn't holding my breath for a change.  I asked if I could walk around and what a production that is..I had to have all the monitors hooked up.  You could only put one baby on a battery powered monitor so I had to be back in the room every half hour to monitor Joelle and get my Pitocin bumped up.  At lunch time she checked me again and I was a 6.  Definitely moving up but not where I had wanted to be.  I was pleasantly surprised that Pitocin didn't make my contractions horrible like I have heard from more than one person.  After lunch my nurse wanted to monitor both babies for a while since we hadn't had a good reading from either one of them while I was walking.  She asked me a couple times if I wanted an epidural and I kept saying no because I wasn't in much pain at all.  She checked me again at 3:00 and I was STILL a 6.  I asked if I could get my water broken and she said she would call Dr. Taylor and ask.  She called him and he said that he was on his way in and if I had progressed he would break my water and if I wasn't progressing any more he was going to send me home.  I told Eric I am NOT going home so we better get in the hallway and run so I would dilate some more.  Apparently it worked because in the 15 minutes it took for him to come to the hospital I dilated to a 7  :)  He broke my water and I asked again to walk but they told me I had to wait for a little while so they could make sure breaking my water didn't put either of the babies in distress.  I called my mom at 5 and told her what was going on and told her I probably wouldn't call again until after the babies came.  At this point my contractions started becoming painful but not nearly as painful as they had been when I had Adelyn, so I still didn't want an epidural.  My nurse told me if I wanted an epidural it would probably have to be now or I might not get a chance.  She was actually really helpful in my decision making because she had very similar labor experiences to mine.  Her first was really hard and her second was easy.  She also had gotten an epidural with her first and she didn't with her second.  She was very encouraging of me to not get an epidural, which is what I had wanted but there were quite a few people who wanted me to have one...doctors, anesthesiologists, other nurses, etc.  She offered me Stadol and I was extremely hesitant to take it because I had heard from quite a few people that it made them sick or hallucinate.  I discussed this with her and she said it lasts about an hour and I would know virtually immediately if it would make me sick or see green people.  She said that I could get half a dose if I wanted and I decided to do that.  No nausea or scary green people :)  We walked around the hall for about 15 minutes because my IV battery was dieing.  That really got things moving and I was feeling some pressure so I asked her to check me again when I got back and she said that I was almost completely dilated and that she was going to call Dr. Taylor.  As soon as she walked out the door I told Eric you better call her back because I'm pushing and I'm pushing now.  In the 4 minutes it takes Dr. Taylor to get to the hospital I had pushed Brecken out and was getting ready to deliver Joelle.  She was head down and remained head no farm animal delivery.  When they came out they looked so small to both Eric and I but we were pleasantly surprised and proud they weighed 6lbs 4rozs and 6lbs 12ozs!  There was no screaming during the delivery on my part and Eric survived with all his limbs intact.  I'm pretty sure not everyone can say that ;)  With all that being said, delivering without an epidural was seriously the best thing I have ever done.  If we have more kids I can say without a doubt that I would not get an epidural..unless if I had a labor similar to Adelyns.

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