Thursday, December 9, 2010

37 Weeks

37 Weeks.  I honestly never thought I would see the day where I would carry TWINS to 37 weeks, without any complications.

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 37 weeks
Weight Gain: 32 pounds
Babies weight: According to BabyCenter 6 1/3lbs
Movement: They move.  All.The.Time.
Symptoms: Tired.  I have been getting more and more tired and it's really hard to bend over.  If I lay on my back, even a reclined position, I get extremely short of breath.  Like nauseous and about to pass out short of breath.  Something about to much pressure on my aorta.  And my diaphragm.  And my rib cage.  And my back.  You get the picture.
What I miss: My body.
Cravings: ??
Best moments this week: Baby Boy is STILL head down.  Baby Girl is now head down as well!  My doctor was disappointed saying that a vertex/breech delivery is "more fun for the doctor."  I told him that I'm glad I won't have to feel like a farm animal..but that could still change ;) I am dilated to a 4 and 50% effaced.  I have to admit I'm a little nervous of walking around Meijer and sneezing out a baby..  Our poor son is going to have the biggest cone head ever.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting these babies, hopefully sooner rather than later!  This weekend is our "self-induction" weekend in the hopes that they'll come before I have to be induced.  Bring on the hot wings and the pineapple!!  I'll also be taking walks as I can fit them in.
Names: Yes!!  Baby boy needs a middle names but Eric is "pretty sure" what it will be..

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