Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Newborn Pictures

One of my favorite photographers took Brecken and Joelle's newborn pictures.  She had us over for a modeling session so she could work on some new poses.  Check her out. 
Cutest little owls ever!

Adorable little feet..if you look closely you can see their heel pricks :(

Perfect wintery shot!
Cuddling in bed.

The next shot is a picture of Adelyn facing the same way as Joelle:
Sleepy Jo

Adelyn facing the same way as Brecken:
Mommy's littlest man
As effortless as this wasn't.

The more I look at the comparison shots of Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle, I think Adelyn is a mix of the two of them.  Which makes sense because Adelyn has traits from both Eric and I, Brecken looks like me and Joelle looks like Eric..

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