Monday, July 7, 2014

The Monday after the 4th…

Our 4th of July weekend was filled with lots and lots of fun.  Today?  We are recovering.  We went for a walk this morning and Brecken and Joelle cried the whole way back.  So for about a mile and a half.  While they rode their bikes.  "My knees hurt."  "My legs hurt."  "It's hoooooooooooot."  "My nose is bloody." (It actually was.)  "Can we have pancakes for lunch?"  They were great before our walk and we read books on the couch after, but during?  Not so much.  They are all snoring now.

We started our our weekend with Street Performers on Thursday night.  Also known as the night we almost died.  As a family.  We went out to eat before and then headed downtown.  The kids thought this mime was hilarious.  Joelle wasn't too thrilled he singled her out for a demonstration ;)  She warmed up when they started running around.
 After the demonstration we wandered down the rest of 8th street.  We made it to Peachwave and decided to get some frozen yogurt.  Because that's what you do when you walk past fro-yo.  You stop in and get some.  We were calmly eating our ice cream on the curb outside, right across from the statues, when we start hearing all this banging.  I turned to look and one of the horses for the horse drawn carriages was spooked.  He was bucking up and down and going crazy.  In a crowd of people.  It looked like he was heading straight for the sidewalk (where we were sitting) but the lady managed to wrangle him down Central.  If you want to see a pregnant lady grab a toddler and move real fast just send a bucking bronco towards her.  I thought I was going to give birth.  The poor thing was hitting all kinds of parked cars when it finally broke free at 10th and Central.  Thankfully no one was hurt.  One lady close to us claimed "injured" but walked to the ambulance.  After that we went home.  And I did not give birth.

For the 4th, friends invited us over for a pool day.  We headed out at 2 and spent the afternoon swimming, eating good food and then headed to the fireworks in Overisel.  They were the best fireworks we have ever seen.  Although they were too long...1 hour of continuous fireworks.
Pretty girls and their momma.

Joelle wanted to make a silly face.  Eric told us we were something special. 

This is how close we were.  Amazing. 

How Joelle felt about the fireworks being so long...
We didn't get back until midnight.  The kids all fell asleep on the way home.

Saturday morning the kids slept until 9:30.  We got up and made a big breakfast and headed out for opening day of sweet cherry picking.  Ummm.  Yum.  The kids loooove to go picking and this was our first time picking sweet cherries.  Adelyn picked one for her bucket and one for her mouth, Brecken did more eating than picking and Joelle picked over half a bucket because she didn't like the pits.

25lbs of delicious goodness...and some crazy faces.
We were late for naps (again) on Saturday afternoon, so I had to wake them up (again).  Saturday night we decided to ride our bikes to pick up some movies.  On the way there I was thinking this was no big deal.  When we were riding through downtown I could see how ridiculous I looked in the shop windows.  On the way back I was looking down and Eric asked what I was doing.  My legs were so numb I was just making sure they were still going in circles.  So that was a dumb idea.

Sunday morning everyone slept late again (3 mornings in a row!) but it was fine because we just had one service at 10.  We packed up all our beach stuff, headed to church, and then headed to the beach.  We were swimming and playing until 4.  We came home and grilled hamburgers with my parents and the kids were all asleep by 8:30.  Woouuuulllddd have been 8 but someone got out of bed, someone else had to poop etc.

I woke up early this morning to go to the chiro.  A and B slept until 7:45 and J slept until 8:30.  Hopefully a chill afternoon and evening will straighten everyone out ;)

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