And,very sadly, still pregnant.
Last week I pretty much boycotted cooking. We went out to eat one night, had leftovers one night, I grilled steak another, ordered pizza another. I did make a nice ham dinner last night. I threw my potatoes and ham in the same pot. Dinner. We are having the leftovers from that tonight.
Last week I pretty much boycotted cooking. We went out to eat one night, had leftovers one night, I grilled steak another, ordered pizza another. I did make a nice ham dinner last night. I threw my potatoes and ham in the same pot. Dinner. We are having the leftovers from that tonight.
I even boycotted breakfast, last week Thursday. See?! Ask me what I eat at Panera? A bowl of oats. Quite literally the only thing I can eat on the menu. Besides coffee.
After that we went to the library and got to meet Curious George. Some friends where there and we all went to a park afterwards.
Thursday afternoon we headed out to Wells to pick some more cherries. We had already eaten all of the cherries we picked the previous Saturday. The kids didn't want to stop picking so we ended up with 38 pounds. Oh my. I pitted and froze a TON.
Proof that I went ;)
Friday morning we headed out to the zoo with Tiff and Shelby and kids. {One would think with all this walking and physical exertion I would deliver a baby} We had a great time at the zoo and munching on lunch afterwards.

After naps, we had to pick up Daddy's bike from the bike shop. When I told the kids we were doing that, they requested a walk downtown. Somehow that turned into cookies...and a large coffee for me ;)
Saturday morning my mom took the kids for a couple hours and Eric and I were going to go walk on some trails. Commence the all day rain. So we picked some stuff up around the house and lazed around all day. Helpful for getting a baby out..
Sunday we headed to church in the morning and then took the kids to the trails we were going to walk on, on Saturday. We found lots of fun things for the kids. Crickets that the kids adored catching, dragonflies, a mini-waterfall from all the rain, we sent sticks floating down the river, a cool over look and wild raspberries.
Daddy and Mommy selfie.
The kids wanted a picture...with Daddy ;) It was a beautiful day...with no baby birthing.
My chiro couldn't believe I walked in the doors today. I told her she didn't want to know how many miles I've walked over the past week. And neither do I. I think my body has forgotten how to go into labor (on it's own).
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