{Hopefully} this pregnancy is coming to an end. I haven't been horridly uncomfortable but I am so ready to meet this little person. I am sick of being huge. Moving from sitting/laying to standing IS uncomfortable. Sleeping is pretty uncomfortable. I found myself wanting to feel hiccups one more time over the past week. I've been rewarded with a few days of hiccups at different times:) Still somewhat surreal this will be our last time having a baby. It's a bittersweet feeling. Really hoping to go into labor on my own some...time...soon...
How far along:: 40 weeks, measuring at 39. Dilated to a 2.5, 50% effaced, bulging bag of water. Maybe my water will break on it's own this time?! That's never happened to me.
Heartbeat:: 140's
Clothes:: I am running out of options. I'm back to dresses because my belly hangs out of my shirts.
Weight Gain:: 32lbs-it's true. I haven't gained weight in a while. I lost weight at the doctor.
Weight Gain:: 32lbs-it's true. I haven't gained weight in a while. I lost weight at the doctor.
Movement:: Definitely.
Symptoms:: Tired. Still have the rash. Still tired.
What I miss: Bending over. Riding a bicycle. Running.
Cravings:: Ice Cream. Fruit.
Symptoms:: Tired. Still have the rash. Still tired.
What I miss: Bending over. Riding a bicycle. Running.
Cravings:: Ice Cream. Fruit.
Best moments this week:: Full-term. Any time child of mine.
What I am looking forward to:: Having a baby..?
Names:: 2 boy names, 1 girl name.
Funny Moments:: Adelyn keeps coming up with names for the baby. She said to me "How about ... for a girl?" And I had to say sure because it's so close to the girl name. She's still thinking about the boy name.
We ran a bunch of errands today and one included Costco. The Vitamix lady was trying to convince me to buy the $600 Vitamix and the kids were soaking up the samples. Normally we say no to liquids. Too messy. We were there right when they opened so it wasn't busy...so I felt free to stand at the table. She said "When are you due?" "Today." "No way! You are so small!" This is why I shop at Costco not Walmart. Costco they want you to come back and tell you you are tiny. Walmart they tell you you are fat.
We ran a bunch of errands today and one included Costco. The Vitamix lady was trying to convince me to buy the $600 Vitamix and the kids were soaking up the samples. Normally we say no to liquids. Too messy. We were there right when they opened so it wasn't busy...so I felt free to stand at the table. She said "When are you due?" "Today." "No way! You are so small!" This is why I shop at Costco not Walmart. Costco they want you to come back and tell you you are tiny. Walmart they tell you you are fat.
Adelyn told me she had a dream about our baby last night. She said it was a boy and it was a nice dream.
Nobody realized they were going to Papa and Nana's while I'm in the hospital. We were talking about it the other night and they were all horrified and stared at me in disbelief. They couldn't believe they couldn't come with ;)
Whenever I have any skin showing, my back or my belly, Adelyn will come up to me and yank on my shirt or try to pull my pants up. Cracks me up every time.
40w2d with Adelyn (left) and BF4 (right)
Carrying slightly higher and slightly bigger...but not too different?!

Whenever I have any skin showing, my back or my belly, Adelyn will come up to me and yank on my shirt or try to pull my pants up. Cracks me up every time.
40w2d with Adelyn (left) and BF4 (right)
Carrying slightly higher and slightly bigger...but not too different?!
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