2 weeks have flown by so quickly. We are always forgetting Lincoln is a newborn. He is just so big. And he doesn't really act like a newborn either. Crying for no reason, waking all the time at night (and not going back to sleep), snoring through a nursing session, all typical newborn things, are things he does NOT do. We keep waiting for him to be up all night. Hasn't happened yet. {Now that I blogged that, tonight's our night}
Isn't he a beast?!
*weighs 10lbs 1oz, 84th percentile
*21 1/4in tall, 76th percentile. still haven't figured out how kids shrink from birth..
*head is in the 98th percentile
*newborn and 0-3month clothes
*newborn diapers (but not much longer..)
*newborn and 0-3month clothes
*newborn diapers (but not much longer..)
*nurses every 3-4 hours during the day. Half the time I have to wake him up to eat. He will stay awake for 1-1.5 hours afterwards.
*sleeps 6-8 hours at night. Don't be hatin...
*has rolled from front to back once. Hasn't happened again so I'm not sure if it was a fluke or not.
*has been such a trooper with the big kids touching him/poking him/holding him
*LOVES being in the Ergo. And I LOVE carrying him in the Ergo. I haven't had to do it at home, since he also LOVES sleeping, but I'm sure there will come a day I have to use it at home. And we go for lots of walks.
*loves being outside
*is slowly turning less yellow.
*has the longest toes and fingers of all our babies.
*we are pretty certain he has one dimple.
*HAS to have one of his hands by his face at all times. Our second night at the hospital the nurse had rolled his sleeves over his hands and he was awake for three hours, absolutely irritable. I nursed him practically the whole time. Finally I unrolled his sleeves and he went right to sleep. No joke. He's constantly trying to suck on his fingers or his fist. I'm somewhat refusing to do a paci. We shall see..
Couldn't find any 2 week pictures of Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle on my blog. And our hard drive took a dump on our other computer. So all my pictures are transferred to some thing that I (currently) have no way of getting them off of.