Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lincoln::2 weeks

2 weeks have flown by so quickly.  We are always forgetting Lincoln is a newborn.  He is just so big.  And he doesn't really act like a newborn either.  Crying for no reason, waking all the time at night (and not going back to sleep), snoring through a nursing session, all typical newborn things, are things he does NOT do.  We keep waiting for him to be up all night.  Hasn't happened yet.  {Now that I blogged that, tonight's our night}

Isn't he a beast?!

 *weighs 10lbs 1oz, 84th percentile
*21 1/4in tall, 76th percentile.  still haven't figured out how kids shrink from birth..
*head is in the 98th percentile
*newborn and 0-3month clothes
*newborn diapers (but not much longer..)
*nurses every 3-4 hours during the day.  Half the time I have to wake him up to eat.  He will stay awake for 1-1.5 hours afterwards.
*sleeps 6-8 hours at night.  Don't be hatin...
*has rolled from front to back once.  Hasn't happened again so I'm not sure if it was a fluke or not.
*has been such a trooper with the big kids touching him/poking him/holding him
*LOVES being in the Ergo.  And I LOVE carrying him in the Ergo.  I haven't had to do it at home, since he also LOVES sleeping, but I'm sure there will come a day I have to use it at home.  And we go for lots of walks.
*loves being outside
*is slowly turning less yellow.
*has the longest toes and fingers of all our babies.
*we are pretty certain he has one dimple.
*HAS to have one of his hands by his face at all times.  Our second night at the hospital the nurse had rolled his sleeves over his hands and he was awake for three hours, absolutely irritable.  I nursed him practically the whole time.  Finally I unrolled his sleeves and he went right to sleep.  No joke.  He's constantly trying to suck on his fingers or his fist.  I'm somewhat refusing to do a paci.  We shall see..

Couldn't find any 2 week pictures of Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle on my blog.  And our hard drive took a dump on our other computer.  So all my pictures are transferred to some thing that I (currently) have no way of getting them off of.

Zeeland Splash Pad

The city of Zeeland put in a really nice splash pad.  We will definitely be getting some serious use out of it next year.  They have a baby/toddler section, a middle section that isn't too wild and then some crazy things at the end that geared for older/more adventurous kids.

You can guess where Joelle spent most of her time;)  She does NOT like to get her face wet.  We are working on her.

Adelyn loved all three sections of the splash pad.

J stepping on a stream:)

Apparently B and L weren't there... ;)  B had so much fun.  He loves this kind of stuff.  My excuse will be he was running around too fast for me to snap a picture ;)  L was doing his usual.  Sleeping.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Booberry Pickin’

After I went picking by myself, I wanted to take the kids at the end of the week.  Our favorite kind was going to be ready then and they love to pick.  We tried to pick a day that it was going to be cool but we ended up getting in the field and there was no breeze and it was HOT.  I had Lincoln in the Ergo but he started sweating like crazy so I took him out and just laid him down in the shade.  But he was on his back so he woke up 10 minutes later.  I put him back on again and we tried to pick some more but he wasn't having it.  So we left.  And bought a whole bunch, already picked ;)

FOUR cuties picking

They are the cutest.

Sweet sleepy boy

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Daddy’s Birfday

Daddy's birthday dawned bright and early with eggs, toast, bacon, sausage and oj.  The day continued on with yummy toasted sandwiches for lunch.  Chicken, beans and potatoes topped off dinner.  I made his favorite brownies for dessert.  We don't really do presents for the adults at our house.  When there are things we want during the year, we typically just buy them (when the money tree is flourishing. ha.).  We did pick up some of Daddy's favorite candies, though.

My family cracks me up.


Daddy took the kids to some trails and they collected pinecones for a cool project he wanted to do with them.  He did the "dangerous" prep work after they were in bed.

Then we had a fire on Thursday night.  I'm not sure what this color was supposed to be but there were supposed to be yellow and green flames based on the chemicals {borax and baking soda} on the pine cones.

We just had a fire at someone's house and they were laughing at the fact that my children wear sunglasses to a fire.  When I explained why {to keep the smoke out of their eyes} they then thought I was ingenious ;)

Little love bugs.

Believe it or not Lincoln's face IS NOT covered by the blanket.

I had arranged with my mom, a while back, to take the 3 oldest for Friday and Saturday.  I thought it would be nice for Eric and I to get to do a couple of things together for his birthday since he didn't really get much in celebration this year...other than a baby;)
My mom came to pick the kids up in the morning and Lincoln and I headed out to do some blueberry picking-before they were all gone!  Some sweet older ladies were asking about the baby in the carrier and when I said he was only a week old they offered to pick berries for me.  I said I would be fine but they insisted and ended up picking me a bucket of berries.  So sweet.  We chatted about kids the whole time.

L in the car after picking.  He was 45 minutes over his time frame for eating.  I'd say he likes the Ergo.

I'm pretty certain this is exactly how his feet were in the womb.  He does this all.the.time.

I had plans to go to Grand Haven at night for dinner.  We had just gotten into GH when we saw a big billboard for the Coast Guard Festival.  We both looked at each other and said oh dear.  We called the restaurant we were going to go too...1 hour wait.  Yeah.  No.  So we head back to Holland.  We get Crust 54 to go and were going to eat in the little park by Coldstone and it was closed for a private event.  I have never EVER seen it closed before.  So we head to the beach.  My GF crust was the WORST it has ever been.  It was terrible.  {We ran into one of the girls from Crust 54 later and she very sweetly asked us how our dinner was.  I told her about my crust and asked if there was a new cook.  She confirmed.  And also said she would mention it to the owner.  Love local businesses}
We decided to eat dinner at the {freezing cold} beach and watch the sunset.  We then headed home to have a TV marathon.

In the morning, I had made a tee time for Eric for golfing at he Lynx.  Lincoln and I went with and rode on the cart.  I surprised him with it and the only things I forgot to bring was his socks.  I will count that as a win.
Lincoln and Daddy on the course.  Lincoln hates hats.  Can you tell?  HATES.

Momma and LJ.  He pretty much did this the whole time.  Except for when he was eating ;)
I think Eric managed to have a pretty good birthday weekend despite being woken up by a newborn.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Lincoln::Newborn Pictures

Lincoln's newborn pictures were taken with Posh Photography.  I know I've said it before but we just love Kasey.  I've always wanted to do pictures at the beach but that's kinda hard in December or February.  So I snatched my opportunity with July ;)  It was not exactly warm out but we made the best of it and dealt.

Mommy's littlest man.


 Rooting.  What he does best.



 Brecken's newborn picture::

 Joelle's newborn picture::


Little piggies hanging out from the cover-up.

Eric, Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle were tasked with making a sand castle while Lincoln and I had some pictures taken.

Adelyn took her job very seriously.

Lincoln was taking sleeping very seriously.  Sometimes.  Mostly we just got pictures when he blinked his eyes ;)

He's handsome.  And chubby.

All my little loves <3>



Little smiles


I'm always telling little L that he has lots of people that love him


 First family photos::


I am in love with these next couple pictures.  In love.

So handsome.


These next couple of him, in the box,  were the last ones we got of him before he lost it.  So, so sweet.


 Adelyn's newborn picture::



Aanndd here's where he decided to quit cooperating.   There was really no recovering from it.  So we quit, while we were ahead ;)  He was quite the trooper.

 Some more newborn cuteness::

I'm pretty convinced Lincoln looks exactly like Adelyn as a newborn.  There's some of Brecken in there too...but the hair color, eyes and shape of his face is just like Adelyn's.