Can't believe we are already at the 37 week mark. Eep. D-day is fast approaching. We were camping in South Haven this weekend. According to all of South Haven I am having a boy. Eric said to me, after he took this, that is one huge baby in there. I said what have I been telling you... I'm reminded every three seconds. I am also to the point where people feel free to tell me I "look like I'm due any day."
How far along:: 37 weeks, measuring 37 weeks. The doc checked me this week. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. For those of you concerned I am over-doing it, that is proof I am not.
Clothes:: The only thing maternity
that I have really been wearing is jeans. Now that it's hot I've been
wearing dresses and shirts/skirts. My selection of shirts is slowly
dwindling ;)
Weight Gain:: 32lbs
Weight Gain:: 32lbs
Movement:: Oh yes.
Symptoms:: Cramping again. In my feet this time.
What I miss: Clothes. Bending over.
Cravings:: Fruit.
Symptoms:: Cramping again. In my feet this time.
What I miss: Clothes. Bending over.
Cravings:: Fruit.
Best moments this week:: Early term. Baby can come annnnny time ;)
What I am looking forward to:: 38 weeks.
Names:: 2 boy names, 1 girl name.
Funny Moments:: Adelyn wants to name the baby Vidia. She was upset when we said no. She keeps drawing pictures of our family. She writes all our initials out and the baby is a "V." Ha.
37 week comparison::
Adelyn at 37. To be fair, I am not facing sideways. B and J at 37. I look exhausted.

BF4 at 37 weeks. I AM carrying SO high.
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