Thursday, June 12, 2014

We Are Beach People.

Plain and simple.  We are beach people.  We had plans to go yesterday with my mom, Nathan and Emily and, even though it wasn't very warm, we still went.  The water?  It was 50 degrees.  My kids didn't care.  They are crazy.


Look how deep B is!

"Watch out for the waves!"

Big splashes

He was going out as deep as her, so I was having her hold his hand :)

You know.  After I took a 2 mile walk this morning, hauled our Wonder Wheeler all over the beach, I took it upon myself to climb the stairs at Mt. Pisgah.  And go hiking up there.  And climb back down. So 478 steps.  Not that I counted or anything.  #almost36weeks #getthatbabyOUT 
Brecken cried when we got to the bottom of Mt. Pisgah.  He thought we were going back to the beach.  And didn't believe me when I said we would go back lots this summer.  #cruelmichiganwinters

 My dessert the other night.  Homemade ice cream, homemade (fresh!) rhubarb sauce, homemade chocolate sauce and (not local) strawberries and blueberries.  With a nasty rotten banana on the side.  It was delicious.  Except for the banana.

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