Wednesday, June 11, 2014

He or She….what will it be?!

He or She...what will it be?!  I was hanging all the clothes up this afternoon (and tucking all the tags in because I didn't want to see them).  While I was hanging all the boy stuff up I was all "Ohhh I want a little boy."  Then I hung all the girl stuff up and was all "Ohhh I want a little girl."  I, quite honestly, have zero preference.  Completely zero.  My gut "feeling" would lean more towards boy.  Just because the heart rate has been the lowest of all my pregnancies and this pregnancy has been different than my prior ones.  I also feel like this baby is going to be our longest and largest...  But I know plenty of people that have completely different pregnancies and end up having same sex kids.  It's also been 4 years since I've been pregnant last..  Keep in mind I also thought Adelyn was going to be a boy.  Only God knows :):)
This is also "crib in a closet."  My dad whipped this up in one day.  I just finished painting it the walls.  We are ordering a mattress off the internet tonight.  Ours is too rectangle to fit.  We bought one with square corners when we had Adelyn and it won't smoosh in.  Pretty sweet, eh?!  My dad was quite impressed with himself.  He thought I was completely off my rocker when I asked him to do this.  Eric did too...but my dad more-so.  Now they both don't think I'm so crazy.

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