Tuesday, June 17, 2014

bUmPdate::36 weeks

How far along:: 36 weeks, measuring 35 weeks at a 35.5 week appt
Clothes:: The only thing maternity that I have really been wearing is jeans.  Now that it's hot I've been wearing dresses and shirts/skirts.  My selection of shirts is slowly dwindling ;)
Weight Gain:: 29lbs
Movement:: Oh yes.
Symptoms:: Things are becoming uncomfortable.  But I've been doing surprisingly well.
What I miss: My shorts. Clothes that relatively fit.
Cravings:: Fruit.
Best moments this week:: Turning 9 months.
What I am looking forward to:: Camping this weekend.
Names:: 2 boy names, 1 girl name.
Funny Moments:: Joelle thinks I have two belly buttons.  One being my "normal" belly button.  The other being the stretched and ripped portion of my belly button ring.  Brecken corrected her and said "Mommy, doesn't have ANY belly buttons.  But Daddy still does."  Which is more accurate.  Since my "belly button" is alllll flattened out.
It really hit me, while I was driving, that this is our last (planned) baby.  I *almost* cried.  When I told Eric, he informed me "That is not a reason to cry."  Why thank you.  Men.

J also thinks the baby should come any time.  She'll wake up and ask "Did the baby come yet?!"  "Is it coming NOW?" "When is the baby coming?"
Walmart lady::When is your baby due?  Today?
Me:: Nope.  4 weeks left.
WL:: Ohhh boy.  (Surveying my children) I bet you wish you are having a boy.
Me: Not really.  I'd take a boy or a girl.
WL:: No, I was asking your son.
Me: Oh.  Well, depending on the day, he would say boy or girl.
This is why I avoid Walmart like the plague.  Just had to return some diapers that turned out to be ghastly expensive.

Adelyn still thinks I'm going to die in the hospital.  She brought it up again the other night.  "Why do you have to die Mommy?"  Ugh.  Hoping she doesn't have these fears while I'm actually IN the hospital.  And hopefully it's not a premonition.  Joking.  Kind of.

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