Tuesday, June 3, 2014

bUmPdate::34 weeks

I had a minor freak-out moment yesterday.  My dad came to take some measurements for the crib (don't ask-I'll just show you all when it's done) and I realized I have loads to do before this baby comes.  Eric says I shouldn't stress myself out but if it doesn't get done now, it won't get done for a loooooong time.  And my list has narrowed considerably (with things that just aren't going to get done) so that's what I have to say about that.  I don't know if it's just because we didn't find out what we are having or if it's just 4th child syndrome.  You realize all the baby REALLY needs is a clean butt and a boob.  But I am officially, as of yesterday, next in FB world, friend world and church world.  And I still have 6 weeks to go.  Or less.  Hopefully less;)


How far along:: 34 weeks, measuring 34.5 weeks
Clothes:: The only thing maternity that I have really been wearing is jeans.  Now that it's hot I've been wearing dresses and shirts/skirts.  My selection of shirts is slowly dwindling ;)
Weight Gain:: 29lbs
Movement:: Yes, yes and yes.  They are becoming painful.  They catch me off guard sometimes and I'll say "Oww!" and the kids all ask if the baby did that ;)
Symptoms:: Worlds awfulest (that's not a word but it is now) leg cramps.  Like I would wake up practically crying in the middle of the night.  This went on for 5 nights in a row and I started to eat a banana every night before bed.  Now they are mostly fine.  And I have definitely taken some late night drives for bananas, because they are that awful.
What I miss: My shorts.
Cravings:: Fruit.  Ice-cream.
Best moments this week::  Being able to deliver at Zeeland!
What I am looking forward to:: I would like the baby to come in precisely 21 days.  That's the day after our first camping trip and I will officially be 37 weeks.  No pressure, little one ;)
Names:: 2 boy names, 1 girl name.
Funny Moments:: We watched a friends newborn boy and now Adelyn is convinced boys are the cutest and we HAVE to have a boy.  She was so amazing with the baby.  Such a little momma.

Brecken was equally in love.  He came running downstairs the following morning and said "Where's the baby?!"  I said he had to go home.  "Well, when is our baby coming out?"  Aww.  So Eric and I asked him what he wanted now and he said "A boy.  With a new name though."  So we asked what the new name was.  "Captain Sundae.  And he will wear a Captain Sundae shirt."  We laughed out loud.  We said what if it's a girl?  "No.  It won't be.  It's a boy."  Oh boy.  Ha.

We already knew Joelle would fall head over heels.  She wouldn't go to bed until after he left (I tried-but she kept coming out).  And wouldn't get off the couch until she couldn't see their van anymore.

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