Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

We started Memorial Day off with a bike ride to the parade.  I did have to pull a burley so we went about the speed of a turtle.  This is the first year we have stayed from the start of a parade to the end of a parade and it held the kids attention the whole time.  Please take note of our red, white and blue.

Show me your crazy face.

We brought snacks (for us) and bread (for the ducks) and biked to Huizenga Park after the parade.  We saw this cute little duck family and had to try to feed them.  The babies must have been only a couple days old because they wouldn't eat the bread.

I had made some Sandies-like cookies a while back and thought they were disgusting.  So I threw them in the freezer for the ducks.  The ducks didn't like them.  It didn't help that the kids threw them straight in the water and they were essentially like hockey pucks. BUT the fish loved them ;)

I wish I had gotten a picture of this in action because it's usually me who does these things.  Eric tripped over something and did a very graceful fall all over the poop laden "beach."  I laughed hysterically.



This is also the first year Brecken and Joelle have been big enough for this park.  Hooray:)

I asked Joelle to smile nicely.  This is what I got.  "It's too hot, Mom."  She's just like her momma.  Doesn't like to be hot and doesn't like to be cold.
We biked home for lunch.  A total of 7 miles.  After lunch we did naps and played outside all afternoon.  We grilled for supper and rode our bikes to Captain Sundae for dessert.  Another 7 miles.  I was ex.hau.sted.  8 months pregnant and still biking around.  At turtle speed.

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