Thursday, May 22, 2014

Two Wheelin’

Thursday night was our designated "Learn to ride a two-wheeler night."  Adelyn has been asking for a couple months now, and we have been telling her for a couple months now, that 5-year-olds don't have 4 wheels.  We've also wanted it to be a bit warmer.  Preparation is key with her.  We also knew she had to be decked out in knee guards, elbow guards and wrist pads.  If she fell and got all bloody that would be it, for her.  We should have saved our $20.  She's a pro.

Getting tips from Daddy.  I told Eric this was his responsibility.  Big Momma doesn't run down the road chasing people anymore.

Testing the waters.

Aanndd off she goes.

She was riding to the corner and back, that night, by herself.  She said to Eric "I hope I'm good by the time I'm 82."  We laughed.  She will probably be on the other side of her bike riding days by then...

What you do when you are banned from flying around on the cul-de-sac on your bikes because you would totally run your poor older sister over.

The next day she begged me to work with her.  So I did.  We started out and I jogged next to her, until the next street, about half a block.  We did that a couple times.  I was terrified I was going to wet my pants, running.  I, seriously, peed (in the toilet) 3 times while we were outside.  We graduated to letting her ride in front of us and I walked behind her.  She rode her bike all the way to the end of our road and back without falling, once.  She was whipping around the cul-de-sac doing these tight circles and I told her to cut it out because that's how she would fall.  "No I won't."  And she didn't.

Today we took a walk/bike ride to the cows and back.  Which is 3 miles.  She rode her bike the whole way.  She still needs to figure out how to start but can take off if we are just holding on to the back of her bike.  She did a great job.  We had one minor incident where her and Joelle got way ahead of me.  They went down a hill and then down a steep little hill and she crashed into the bridge.  Thankfully the bridge caught her or she would have been floating in the stream.  She got one little scrape on her arm and had stopped crying by the time I got there.  Poor girl.  She got right back on and rode the rest of the way.

Proud of her!

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